Yoga has transformed my life physically and mentally.
My joy now comes from passing on that gift to others, watching them move and grow.
I have seen the benefits Yoga brings to each and every one of us, regardless of age or current physical condition. I see the results in my students every day.
I have traveled and studied widely to feel qualified to share my experience. Everyone has their own yoga journey. I started mine aged seventeen studying The De Rose Method in Brazil. A light bulb moment. Yoga instantly became a lifestyle for me. Although in the early years my primary joy came from Asana practice, my awareness of the physical and mental benefits of Yoga grew and I continued to study.
After moving to Australia twenty years ago, I was introduced to both Synergy and Ryoho Yoga styles, taking both as my primary practices. The teachings of Andrzej Gospodarczyk inspired me to continue to explore.
Following the birth of my first child, I moved my practice to a more holistic approach, through the teaching of Satyananda Yoga. It was through Satyananda Yoga teachings that I fully immersed myself in all aspects of yoga, not only the physical practice. At around this time I started a Yoga teacher training in Hatha Yoga with the VIYETT, for personal interest not thinking that I’d one day become an instructor.
While Satyananda Yoga provided me with the traditional and spiritual aspects of Yoga, my interest in physiology took me into learnings and practice of Iyengar, where detail and alignment are the primary focus.
I started teaching Yoga in 2010, after the birth of my second child. Even so, I continued to study and explore, constantly attending workshops, courses, and conferences. I have also immersed myself in the learnings and teachings of Mindfulness and Meditation through Hart Life Coaching and Yoga Nidra. Although not following one specific lineage, I am adhering to the teachings of Patanjali, Iyengar, and TKV Desikachar in my everyday life as well as in my sessions.
My classes are a mix of finding relaxation and building strength; a space to find self-realisation, peace and physical fitness. I am a certified Hatha Yoga Teacher, Meditation and Mindulness teacher, member of AAYT, Yoga Australia and IMMA (International Mindfulness and Meditation Alliance).
I have participated in courses and studies from different styles of Yoga including those of Leslie Kaminoff, Nikola Ellis, Tiffany Cruiskshank, and Mark Whitwell.
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